Time. What is it? What do we do with it? How do we spend it? Could I use it better or more productively? We all have the exact same amount of time everyday. Every person on the planet has the same 24 hours to use as we choose or as needed. Money can’t buy you more. Being attractive won’t give you more. Nothing can be done to add more time to our day. We can shuffle things around or sleep less, but at the end of the day it is the exact same 24 hours no matter what.

What Do I Do With My Time?

I really wish I could say that my time is precious. I really do. But I have noticed how much time I waste everyday. Watching TV. Reading a ridiculous amount of time. Not even important or life changing books. Just for fun books. Don’t get me wrong reading is a good pass time sometimes, but not for a few hours everyday. That’s embarassing to admit that. Wow! That sounds even worse written down than it did in my head. Ouch!

In my defence, I do spend time with my family too. Watching TV or talking and laughing or doing something really different for me lately – yard work. I’m little disappointed in myself. This summer I had projects that I was going to get done. I haven’t. Then it becomes overwhelming and discouraging and I’m tempted to put it off even more. (Sort of what has happened with this blog.) That really isn’t a good character trait, but it is my go to trait.

How Do I Spend My Time?

My days are actually pretty monotonous. I sleep, work, and waste time reading or watching TV. I do usually do a little something everyday so I feel not quite so lazy. Laundry or dishes or make dinner or cookies. Things that literally take very little time at all. I actually could finish my projects easily in an afternoon. I haven’t even purchased the items I need to do the projects though. Instead of doing something about it and just going to the store for supplies, I use it as an excuse to put the project off longer. Makes sense right?

If you are someone like my husband who can always find things to do, my reasoning must sound a little like a crazy person. Isn’t that the definition of crazy though – doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. I’m feeling a little crazy with myself right now.

Could I Use My Time More Productively?

I absolutely could use my time more productively! But knowing that doesn’t always help. I always think what difference could an hour make? A day? If it really was only one hour or one day that I spent unproductively then it wouldn’t make much of a difference at all. But I don’t just spend one hour or one day and those hours and days add up to so much wasted time!

I have bad habits. I know I have bad habits. I really want to change and spend my time doing things. But when the time comes, instead of tackling a project I go for the easy and familiar. I always can find an excuse to do my own thing. They aren’t great excuses, but I eagerly grab on to them. I tell myself that I’ll do it tomorrow, but when tomorrow comes I’m not any more motivated than I was the day before or the day before that and so on. But I’m very motivated to do things right now.

How Do I Become More Productive With My Time?

Since I know myself I know what my weaknesses are. For instance, I like to read. But guess what? There are these things called audio books. You can actually just listen to a book and attempt a project at the same time. I could listen to a book or podcast while I clean out our storage room downstairs. Or while cleaning my house. Or doing yard work. Or whatever. I can also listen to music while I do those things too.

In all situations a compromise can happen. I just need to decide what I really want completed in the next month before we are back in school and crazy busy. I really want my storage room cleaned out. I really want my front door repainted. (Blue if you were wondering) I want the planter boxes full of dead weeds taken out of my back yard. And I really want to put more time and effort into this blog that I think could really be amazing if I put in that time and effort.

To accomplish these things I need to put down my phone. I need to start my day earlier. I want to start my day either at the gym or working out here at home. I need to get the supplies I need to finish some of my projects so I’m ready to go any time. I need to get started soon after I get going in the morning. The fact that summer is starting to wind down is a strong motivator to me too. So starting tomorrow I’ll be waking up earlier and hitting the ground running.

I feel like time goes by so fast. I blink and a month has past. I know that I need to be more careful with my time. I need to treat it with respect and use it wisely. I realize that I haven’t really been doing that but that awareness is going to help me. It’s going to propel me to get up and take advantage of everyday. It’s outside my comfort zone but I can’t change things from inside of that zone. I’m excited to see what I can accomplish in the next few weeks!