Valentine’s Day has come and gone again. Did you enjoy your holiday? Did you celebrate it with flowers and dinner? Did you refuse to celebrate it in its traditional way? Or do you not celebrate it at all? Is it a holiday you only like when you have a significant other?
I’m kind of ambivalent about Valentine’s Day. I don’t hate it. I don’t love it. Some years I go all out and get Valentines gifts for not only my husband but also for our kids. Some years I barely acknowledge it with a “Happy Valentine’s Day” and a quick kiss. My job does make me celebrate it to an extent though. I work with kindergartners. They absolutely love to celebrate every holiday big or small. Even Groundhog Day. Seriously.
How I celebrated Valentine’s Day this year
So while I had every intention of making a cute homemade playdoh valentine for each of those cuties, instead I was running to Walmart the night before the class party. My good intentions gone and in their place was cheesy AirHead valentines cards and candy. Luckily for me, five and six year olds don’t care.
At home, I told my husband not to do anything for Valentine’s Day this year. I honestly did it because I had no idea what to buy him and didn’t want to feel guilty if he got me a gift and I had nothing to give in return. He mostly listened but still came home with flowers for me. I promised him a date night soon.
I did make sugar cookies (I make REALLY good sugar cookies – I’ll share the recipe some other time) My daughter and I frosted and decorated the heart and circle shaped cookies. We shared those with some family members. That was the extent of our celebrating.
How did you celebrate?
I know some people who go all out for Valentines Day. How many people get engaged that day every year? I know people who love the day. I also know people who don’t celebrate it at all. Where do you fall in the mix? Do you love or hate the day? Or are you like me and don’t really care one way or another?
Do you send cards? Gifts? Flowers? Do you go on a date? Do you decorate your personal space with hearts and other love day decor? Do you watch romantic movies? Do you go dancing with friends? Do you have Valentine’s Day traditions? What do you do?
Is your celebrating dependent on a significant other?
I know that there are people who think that they have to have a significant other to like the day. And if they don’t have one they are depressed about it and think that they can’t celebrate the holiday. Why is that? Why do you have to have someone special in your life to decide whether or not to celebrate a holiday?
Because regardless of whether or not you have a significant other, you have special people in your life. If you don’t have a date for Valentines why can’t you call up a friend and go to dinner or the movies or whatever with them. If you want to celebrate then do it. Your happiness and ability to enjoy the day are not dependent on any one else. Don’t let others decide your happy. Go dancing with friends. Watch your favorite romantic movies. Or horror or comedy movies. Buy yourself flowers if you want them. Buy yourself chocolates if you love them.
You don’t need someone else to make you feel special on any day of the year. Do things that make you happy and the rest will take care of itself. Love it or hate it Valentine’s Day is just one day out of the year. Don’t let that one day take any happy away from you. Make being happy your goal every day of your life – not just once a year.